What is the suitable installation height for the shower-阿拉善盟Shower supplier_阿拉善盟Stainless steel shower_阿拉善盟Shower Showerfactory_阿拉善盟Rain shower_阿拉善盟KaiPing RainShower Technology Co.,LTD-开平市瑞霖淋浴科技有限公司 Location:Home » News » Entreprise's news
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What is the suitable installation height for the shower
Addtime: 2021-10-27

The shower head is not difficult to install, but many people don't know the height of the shower head. In fact, if you master the installation height of the shower head, you can also install the shower head correctly.

The installation height of the shower head is generally about 2.1-2.2 meters, and the distance between the shower head and the human head is about 40 cm. It is inconvenient to use too close, and it is easy to touch the shower, and the water temperature is reduced when it is too far away, which wastes hot water. (The water temperature of the shower sprinkles from the nozzle and drops 3-5 degrees to the ground) The specifics can also be adjusted according to the height of the family.

The height difference between family members is relatively large, so you can buy a shower head with a lifting function and adjust it according to your height. Generally, the water inlet of the exposed shower is about 0.9-1.1 meters away from the ground. The concealed shower has the same height as the exposed shower except that the water pipe is embedded in the wall.

shower head

After purchasing a shower, bathtub, or wall-mounted faucet, you can choose a suitable height to bury the water pipe. The distance between the hot and cold water pipes must be 15 cm. Don't forget to flush the water pipe before installation to prevent the water from being too hard and causing damage to the faucet. If the elbow between the faucet and the wall joint is too long, a part of the 4-point end can be cut off. Remember that the 6-point connection with the faucet cannot be cut randomly. After purchasing a concealed faucet, the valve core of the faucet is generally pre-buried in the wall.

Ruilin shower reminds everyone to pay attention to the thickness of the bathroom wall before embedding. If the wall is too thin, the spool will not be embedded. Do not remove the plastic protective cover of the valve core easily when embedding, so as not to damage the valve core due to cement and other chores.

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