Maintenance method of shower nozzle-开封Shower supplier_开封Stainless steel shower_开封Shower Showerfactory_开封Rain shower_开封KaiPing RainShower Technology Co.,LTD-开平市瑞霖淋浴科技有限公司 Location:Home » News » Entreprise's news
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Maintenance method of shower nozzle
Addtime: 2021-10-09

Many families do not do maintenance work after installing the shower, so the life of the shower will often be shortened. In our daily life, we have to maintain the shower every once in a while. Today, there are shower manufacturers to tell you how to maintain the shower.

1. In order to keep the shower surface clean, a soft cloth is often used to wipe the surface with flour, and then rinse with water to keep the surface smooth; brush the surface of the shower with toothbrush moistened with toothpaste, just like brushing your teeth. 3 Rinse with clean water for a minute, and dry.

2. In order to ensure the useful life of the shower head, when installing it, let it not be directly under the bathroom heater, and be more than 60cm away from the bathroom heater, and often use a soft cloth with a little flour to wipe the surface of the shower to make it still as new.


3. It is recommended to check or replace the water supply hose every 1-2 years. Although replacing the water hose is not a complicated task, it is still left to the property or professional personnel. In addition, when replacing the hose, pay attention to whether the worker has installed an angle valve on the wall.

The shower nozzle diverts the water column from multiple water outlets, which reduces the impact on the skin and can also achieve a massage effect. When cleaning, you can use small objects around you, such as embroidery needles for stitching. Pierce the needle into each outlet hole one by one to make the scale fall off the inner wall of the outlet hole, pour water into the nozzle from the water inlet, shake and pour the water out, so that the scale can be fully cleaned.

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