What should I do if the stainless steel shower faucet is blocked?-连云港Shower supplier_连云港Stainless steel shower_连云港Shower Showerfactory_连云港Rain shower_连云港KaiPing RainShower Technology Co.,LTD-开平市瑞霖淋浴科技有限公司 Location:Home » News » Entreprise's news
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What should I do if the stainless steel shower faucet is blocked?
Addtime: 2021-11-11

After the faucet has been used for a long time, it is easy to be blocked due to the water quality and quality. Many people don't know what to do. Below, Hanmark Sanitary Ware will share with you how to deal with the blockage of the stainless steel shower faucet.

1. Use lubricant

If the rust of the stainless steel shower faucet metal causes the blockage to be very serious, then use WD-40 rust removal and antirust lubricant. This rust removal lubricant can have very good affinity and permeability with metals. The rust layer can be separated from the metal layer. Make the rusty part and the metal contact surface, and leave a protective film. Let the shower never rust to death. If your stainless steel shower faucet is not made of stainless steel, you may use this method.


2. Wipe with a towel

If your stainless steel shower faucet has been around for a certain number of years, and the appearance is relatively old. It is better to replace it with a new shower. The continued use of such a stainless steel shower faucet is not good for health. Because there may be a lot of harmful bacteria and impurities accumulated inside.

3. use acupuncture

If the stainless steel shower faucet in your house has some small holes blocked, let the water out first, and see that the holes are blocked at the bottom. Then you have to turn on the stainless steel shower faucet head of the shower, and you can see that there are many small holes on the stainless steel shower faucet head like a shower head. This is where the water comes out. Then we first prepare a needle, and then use the needle to pierce the impurity in the perforation with the small hole that we just saw without water until there is no impurity in the hole. This method is straightforward, but be careful to puncture the stainless steel shower faucet hole.

If the stainless steel shower faucet in your home is still in good condition, it can't be taken lightly, and we must start with prevention. Usually, it is necessary to develop a good habit of showering and bathing.

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